Saturday, October 13, 2012

QR Code Fun

This week my students wrote their own multiplication properties' question.  Once their question was proofed, they typed it into a QR code.  ( The kids e-mailed the QR code to me and I printed it off.  Since the question was hidden in the QR code, the kids used a QR scanner on each iPad, to see the question and answer it.

We got math, writing, and technology into one short lesson! :) The kids loved using the iPads to practice the questions! 

If I was to do this again, the students would put the ANSWER into the QR code and hand write the question on the top of the paper.  THEN, they could solve the problem and CHECK the answer!   

Friday, October 5, 2012

Let's do a little research!!

Just like many of us, kids aren't really into the Social Studies thing!  "Who cares about this stuff..." is an overheard comment!  Well, my kids feel the same way!  I had to find a way to get Social Studies content into my students' head with limited time.  I decided to give the kids an opportunity to play with the iPad and do the research!  Using Worldbook Kids and, the kids are learning about the Colonies!  The students are using a Max Teaching strategy called Insert to come up with questions that they have while they read.  Once they have completed their research and questions/thoughts, they get to share with their team.  (The way we shared today, was by flying our questions around the room - paper airplane questions)  Once we have completed the research, we will be creating a project over the colony of their choice!  Their projects will all be done on the iPad!!  When we get that far, I'll share more!