Sunday, August 28, 2016

It's the Imperfections that Make Life Worth Capturing

The sky always catches my attention and often teaches me a life lesson. Over the past week I've been noticing all the different clouds and how they create a unique look almost continually. This week, as I've seen a new sunrise, sunset, or simply the sun shining through the clouds, this idea of imperfections and beauty has continued to fill my mind. 

Think about an all blue sky with the sun slowly moving across the sky. Does a sky like that stand out? Did you think to take a picture of the "perfectly" clear sky?  Now think about a sky with clouds and how the sun changes as it moves across the sky. The sun reflects, casts rays, paints a colorful picture each time.  I don't know about you, but I am quick to whip out my phone and try unsuccessfully to capture the splendor and beauty displayed.   

It's moments and skies like this one that hold me as a captive audience, relishing in the creativity of God. 

I was struck with this idea; it isn't  a perfectly clear sky, but the blemishes or clouds that make the sky truly beautiful.  The more I thought about this idea, the more I realized this can't just be about the sky. What if this is true for humans too?  

Perfection, from many view points, is impossible to obtain. But what if perfection isn't about being without a cloud in the sky? What if perfection is about being unique, yourself, and letting the "Son" shine through, reflect off of, and change the hues of all the "clouds" in your life? 

What would our clouds be? Rejection, abandonment, fears, diseases, past sins, failures, losses! Everyone of us has been clouded by something or multiple things. We've all felt different forms of failure, shame, and hurt. Through those clouds, a light shines that makes us beautiful. It makes us memorable. It makes us photo worthy. In our life, we can each be a memorable sky. 

Most of you would probably say, it is silly to call the clouds imperfect blemishes or scars.  Instead you'd probably say the clouds are perfect and truly do make the sky great. In the same way, we have to embrace one another's "blemishes" and "clouds". We must relish in the beauty and uniqueness the "clouds" provide in each individual. 

God sees us as perfection when we choose him. Are we choosing to see ourselves through his eyes? Allow your scars of hurt, sins, stupid choices, and failed relationships to create a masterpiece in which the "Son" shines through. 

“But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—”
Colossians 1:22 NIV

This week, as you interact with parents, spouses, siblings, children, and coworkers, remember the hurt, the illnesses, the fears, and anything else they face. Think of their human flaws as  a unique and gorgeous part to this beautiful being and take time to embrace it rather than pass it on as another clear sky. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

One Body...Many Parts

Have you ever thought about all the parts of your body and their purpose?!? I mean, your nose looks so different from your ears and the purpose is so completely different, but both have big jobs. Granted, I'm seriously thankful I don't have multiple noses. Can you imagine....working in an elementary school, next to the bathrooms with TWO noses?!? I already smell some pretty atrocious things...but if I had noses on both sides of my head I couldn't ever turn away from the smell! I'd walk around with "ear-muff-like-nose-muffs"!  Our mouths, they have quite the responsibility to communicate with others! Shoot, I'm sure there are some who are thankful I only have one of those! Now let's think about the heart, it pumps blood throughout our body using the veins. The veins are so unlike the heart yet completely vital in sustaining our life. Wow, when I think about all the necessary parts, nose for breathing, heart for pumping, veins for transporting, and a brain that tells each part to do its job, I'm amazed at the importance of each individual part of our body. Have you ever thought about telling one part of your body you don't need them?! "Hey lung...I don't think I need to breathe today!" Yah right?!? 

The pastor's sermon this week was based out of 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. (Side note: I have THE BEST pastor around...for real...he's better than yours!)  The scripture is in reference to the church being one body, all having different jobs to keep the church functioning and alive.   The part that stuck out to me the most was found in verse 15 & 16. “Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.”
1 Corinthians 12:15-16 NIV. How true is this verse...each part is needed. 

As I listened to the sermon I very quickly made a connection to school. Each teacher, aide, secretary, nurse, administrator, cook, and janitor, has a special and nessacary job. Each job is filled by unique and highly qualified individuals. Each individual carries a skill set unlike their neighbor. It is not one "part's" responsibility to say or think of another "you are not needed" because in reality everyone is needed. 

Each individual picture makes a very incomplete picture of the whole body or face. But when I piece each picture together and look at the whole "body" I can see the true picture of the person/school. 

So as we go throughout the next few weeks and months, remember each member of our "body" has an important job and is needed.  We need the one who smells the mischief children. We need the one who hears the cry for help. We need the one who feels the emotions of students. We need the one who pumps energy into the hearts and minds of the whole school. We need EVERYONE! 

Are you valuing each part of the body you work with or are you trying to say to another part they aren't needed? 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The view from above is broader....

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to have lunch downtown at the top of a sky scraper. My principal was with me and we visited the restroom repeatedly just so we could enjoy the view of the whole city! 

We even took selfies...because everyone takes selfies in the bathroom. Right?!? I mean, bathroom mirror selfies are always popping up on my Instagram. 

The pictures combined with life got me thinking...about a broader perspective and the big picture! 

Normally, I live my life on the ground, meaning I can only see the things right in front of me. Even though I can turn and see different pictures, I really am only seeing the "front view."  Because we can only see what's right in front of us, we forget to take different perspectives into account. We also sometimes miss the whole picture or what's really going on with a situation. Many times, when we are at school we forget to take the larger perspective into account and it leaves us feeling frustrated. 

Just like being up at the top of the building gave me a view from above; God's view is from above and He sees the big picture. I was reminded of the importance of looking at the whole picture or person before making judgement calls. Really the only way to do this, is to see life through God's eyes. And believe me. I truly fail at that sometimes. Through constant communication and time in his word, we will begin to see the broader picture. This  boarder picture allows us to love the whole person or accept the situation. I challenge you to stop living with a "ground perspective" and ask God to help you see the whole situation...with a coworker, with a student, or in your own life. A perspective from above can change the heart. ❤️