Saturday, November 17, 2012

Similar and Congruent Shapes

Lesson Plan Outline:

Class Set of iPads
Objective: SWBAT define, explain, and give examples of similar and congruent shapes.  SWBAT find different lines of symmetry in objects.
Materials: iPad, flipped classroom video
1. Students have a few days to watch the video at home and respond with a written explanation of what similar, congruent, and symmetry is.  (A few days is just my preference to ensure all students have time to complete the video assignment)
2. In class do a quick review over what similar and congruent shapes are
3. (If you notice students struggled to explain online, do a small group with those kiddos)
4. Take students on a SILENT nature walk, through the school and outside.  Have them look for shapes that are similar and congruent.  They need to photograph ALL the shapes they can find! Students just need the "CAMERA" app.
5. Use the "EXPLAIN EVERYTHING" app; students create a movie to explain similar shapes, congruent shapes, and the different lines of symmetry in all shapes.  A different slide for each thing. 3 slides, 2 pictures on each slide, a written explanation of each example.
The "EXPLAIN EVERYTHING" they create, can be used as an assessment!

To take this further, you can then use World Book for kids and have the students research things that have symmetry.  For example, they could find facts about butterflies, or starfish.  Have them write about these specific objects in nature and add this to their explain everything movie.  I had them write facts about their object since that is something we were working on.

--NO paper and pencil, NO complaining over a boring assignment, Lots of FUN and lots of LEARNING!!--

IF I only had 5-6 iPads to do this lesson with:
Same objective, same materials, just tweak the procedure!
I would assign groups.
*Each group would have an iPad and they would have to work together to find pictures.  You could still take the nature walk together, have each student find things, and silently work together to get pictures.  Have them each take pictures, or just assign jobs!  Works on team building skills as well.
*Progressive project!  A student starts by finding the pictures, another student then takes the iPad and matches up similar shapes, congruent shapes, and shapes with different lines of symmetry.  The next student does the explaining/typing!  At the end, each kid in the group would have to approve the lesson!
*It could also be a center!  All of the pictures could be taken inside the room. They will still find plenty!  When they have finished the project, they e-mail it to you for a grade!

If you only had 1 iPad:
I would definitely make it a center rotation, and rotate the kids through the project/center.  I think this could be great as well!

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