Sunday, September 21, 2014

Five Loaves and Two Fish - Part 2

About a year ago, I posted a blog about the Bible story of the five loaves and two fish (if you haven't read it, you should go back and read it! Nov, 2013) This morning, we read Matthew 14:13-21 in Sunday School and interacted with the text. While I listened to the discussion and questions this scripture taught me another life lesson from God. 
As we picked apart the story we looked at three different groups of people; Jesus who had compassion on others, the disciples who were worn out, and the crowd of people hungry for God. The departing Sunday school question was who in this story are you? As I thought about the different emotions the identified groups felt, I began looking at myself as a teacher and co-worker. 
Christ, who was looking for solitude with his closet friends still had compassion when he saw the crowd. So much so he gave everything He and his disciples had in order to "satisfy" the people. (When it says satisfy, I feel that is true satisfaction, a peaceful satisfaction.)  The disciples on the other hand, were really ready for the quiet time. It seems to me they even felt frustrated they were called on to "provide food."  Many, many many times I find myself worn out and frustrated that I have to do one more thing for someone else or answer the same question 3 more times for students.  As a teacher, many times we have reached our max with people and are looking forward to quiet time in our classroom or lunch with other adults. It's at this moment that a student or other teacher might have the greatest need and it is important that as a servant of Christ we follow His example and "have compassion on them."  This week, as you are at work and relishing the quiet moments, don't miss the opportunity to be Christlike to someone who is "hungry" for God. 
I also think it is important to point out another lesson within this scripture.  One of the wise teenagers pointed out that Jesus did (and still does) find solitude and quiet important.  He seized opportunities to pull his closest family and friends together.  Make sure you take time to rest, relax, and cherish those you love.

- God, help me to give like you do but provide the solitude and rest when I need it. 

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