Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Words Alone Can Be Powerful...But With Actions...

As a teacher...most of the time, let's be honest, we like "words!" I mean we do stand up in front of kids all day and wah wah wah!  Okay, maybe it's just me...obviously I like words; I write these wordy blog posts and expect people to read them!  Each and everyday most of us (some WAY more than others) express ourselves through words.  Sometimes words are showing compassion and concern for friends, other times words are used to express anger or frustration, while additional words are also used to criticize or judge someone else. Our words whether written or spoken have a way of "touching" people in both positive and negative ways.  

The other day during third grade specials, the class was having a hard time settling in so I said, "I appreciate those students who are sitting quietly!"  Very quickly one of my kids rebutted with,  "You don't appreciate me?  That's not okay!"  Whoa, that is not the message I intended to portray with my words.  But in the eyes of a third grade I had told half the class I didn't appreciate them, and his feelings were hurt. 

This conversation got me talking to some teachers about different words teachers say to students.  As the teachers and I talked about words we hear around the school and in today’s world my heart was saddened.  On Sunday, my favorite preacher spoke about the power of words and actions.  Not only are your words powerful, but they must be backed up by your actions.  Interesting this came so soon after the conversations at school.  All this talk about the power of words rings true today; not just to students but also about students to other teachers.  (This can be applied in any area of life…family, friends, coworkers.)

These words I speak (and I speak A LOT) affect people around me.   As I reflected on the power of words, I began to take more responsibility for ALL my words and actions!  I decided I needed to become more aware of my words and actions.  If my actions don't say the same thing as my words, my words become null and void.  What am I saying and doing that shares God’s love?  What am I saying and doing to encourage others?  What am I saying and doing to inspire kids?  I must be careful to voice uplifting words when talking to my students and coworkers.  All people have a heart and words cut deep!  All people have a heart and most people are starving for encouragement!  All people have a heart and NEED to hear about God's love!  How many times are you discouraged because you don't see anything God is doing? What if someone shared about what God was doing and lived it out through their actions?  We could change lives.

Here is what I leave you with; I encourage you to be mindful of not only your words but also your actions. Whether they act like it or not, words sink deep into the heart and soul of children and adults. Words can also be empty promises if not backed up with loving actions.  You can make or break a day, plant a seed, seal the deal!  How are you using God's gift of words to back up those actions?

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