Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolutions...or NOT!?!

I'm not about New Year's resolutions; in fact I'm not sure I've ever had one! Granted, as a teacher, January is just the middle of the year!! Each August I plan new things to work on in my class or things I want to change. Maybe you would call these "new year's" resolutions. This year is a little different because everything is new! 

Here is a brief overview of my visions for the computer lab this semester! 

All of my class will be participating in digital citizenship classes. I'm partnering with the counselor at my school to provide Internet safety and anti-cyberbullying education. 

- Fifth grade is going to complete their colonial movies. Then they will move into research, followed by weather forecast videos. 
- Third grade is going to...well I'm not quite sure yet! Maybe...they will learn some research skills! 
- Second grade is going to focus on typing and finish the Dance Mat levels. Once they finish all levels, they will begin having races to increase WPM. 
- First grade is going to work on labeling and identifying parts of the computer. After that they will be introduced to Kid Pix and work on a curriculum based activities. 
- Kindergarten is going to be participating in a study of the benefits of coding. (Meaning they will be coding and doing computer programming.) I am crazy...really I am! 

** Fourth grade tech club is going to work on programming a Botball robot for competition!  (I have to learn C++ programming!! Advice anyone??)

I'm excited about the new adventures this year will bring in the computer lab! All ideas will bring learning for the students and me! 

Whether or not you are like me with resolutions, something about January always brings a rejuvenated spirit ready to push through another semester, a semester unnecessarily filled with testing anxiety for so many sweet children.  Whether I'm in a new job or not, I always look forward to returning to my precious students! I hope you've taken time for God, time for yourself, and time for your family and are ready to return as well. I know the end of the holidays can bring feelings of sorrow for some, but no matter what the circumstances are I pray you find renewal enough to come back to school. January is a time to pour out energy! I challenge you to have the energy to show everyone the extraordinary teacher you are!! 

Here are two pictures of my relaxing and fun Christmas break!  Enjoyed LOTS of family time.

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