Friday, July 31, 2015

No Place I'd Rather Be...

I had the privilege of attending teen camp as a sponsor this past week! Honestly, the thought of crazy sports, late nights, and hormonal teenagers was not super appealing after being gone for what seemed liked several weeks already and getting my list of homework for the week. Although it wasn't totally appealing, a small part of me was excited. There is something about church camp that brings back many good memories and I enjoy being present for teens. Because of this (oh...the plan of helping with my nephews always helps as well!) I packed my bag and prepared for a good week.

Monday morning, we loaded up (I was deemed as one of the responsible drivers!) and headed to Camp Bond. The week was filled with all that I expected and so much more!!! 
We did play crazy sports! Dodgeball, archery tag (yes, we used real bows), and glow in the dark 9-square. 

Along with the crazy sports, we made movies and had an awesome "Naz-a-groove Dance party!"

Besides all the crazy fun we had, we participated in awesome worship experiences. The band lead us in praises and prayers each night. Jason brought a message of hope and students responded. After service we had the opportunity to share what was on our heart! Whoa...did God create a stirring in people's hearts! 

Last night during the response time, after I had prayed with one of our teens, we sang a song called "Set A Fire."  The song is simple and has only two stanzas. We began singing:

There's no place I'd rather be
Than here in Your Love!
Here in Your Love! 

As I was singing those words I truly meant them. There was no other place I'd rather be. God was moving and his presence was real! I was honored to get to know our students better and pray with them. I loved hearing their vulnerability as they shared struggles! I loved sharing my experiences and how I overcame, as well as my continual struggles. The more I thought about the lyrics the more I was thankful I had given up a week of my time...and full access to my phone. 

Through my processing of those words, I was taken to my classroom...these words although intended for God, also struck me as very real at school.  Kids come to school half-heartedly, unsure about each day, filled with exhaustion! Even in the midst of those feelings...I want my kids to say, "There's no place I'd rather be!" But for my kids to say this, it is my responsibility to create an atmosphere in which my students feel loved and successful. I also need to create a place where learning is fun and engaging.  Through careful planning and evaluation of my learners, I can engage them in activities that lead to learning. On top of exciting learning, I have to create an atmosphere where students feel safe and are loved. Even the tough kids I have to love! This year, I'm going to work to create a place that kids say, "there's no place I'd rather be!" At least for the hour they are with me!! Will you do the same?!? Start the year off with the goal of creating that kind of environment!! Keep that phrase in your mind as you write lesson plans, interact with students, and build relationships!! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

I Can See Clearly Now...

Ever since I was in 5th grade I have worn glasses or contacts to correct my vision. It was the way life worked and thankfully I had a correction for my problem. Over the past few years my eyes decided they hated contacts and wanted nothing to do with them. This meant I had to revert back to glasses and no sunglasses. Over the last few months I pondered and soon decided LASIK eye surgery might be the best way to go. After looking at different options, I went in for a consultation and decided to schedule the surgery. Last Friday I had LASIK and Saturday morning I could see 20/20! (According to the Dr.!)
I spent 24 hours in the awesome glasses pictured above!! 

 I was amazed and still am at the fact I don't wake up and have to look for my glasses. I can read signs faraway and books up close. In 8 seconds, the vision in both my eyes was corrected.Honesty  moment...I say things were great right away and they were, but things haven't been perfect. My eyes get tired easily or dry which causes my vision to get a little clouded. Even with the hiccups, my vision has been corrected. 

Over the next few days I spent quite a bit of time thinking about this...and it led me to a blog post! 
I had a problem (bad eyesight). I thought I had the ultimate solution (glasses). I realized I wasn't truly fixing the problem, I was controlling the problem. Yes, my glasses worked well and I was very thankful for them, but they were not a true fix. LASIK was a true fix. It got down to the heart (okay, the cornea) of the problem and reshaped it. 

I decided to apply this idea first to my spiritual life. How many times do I have a problem that I "fix" with glasses when I really need to get to the "cornea" of the problem and rely on God? Many times it is easy to find a solution that is more like the glasses because fixes like LASIK or coming to God can be scary. (Believe me...I had the fear of going blind!!) Sometimes our problem is a void or an emptiness we have.  We tend to use "glasses or contacts," such as earthly relationships, drugs, alcohol, ice cream, sex, food, or work to fill the voids. Although those things appear to correct the problem, the void still exists "when we take our glasses off". It isn't until we come to God that the void is truly fulfilled. Once we come to God, we might still have times when the blurriness comes back or the problem resurfaces when we get tired, but deep down, the problem has been corrected. Do you have a constant problem that you think you've found a solution for? Have you found a solution or a true fix? Ask God what he thinks! Know He is a true fix!!

I just love making applications for my two favorite faith and my job!! 

So here goes the school application...
As teachers, many of our students come in with problems. Those problems could be emotional, social, or academics. It is our job as teachers to identify and correct those problems. Many times in the hustle and bustle of school we want a  quick fix like "putting glasses on," when we really need the "precision of a laser" to truly fix it. For our students, going home at night can be the same as me taking off my glasses at night! The problem still exists. As we prepare for this fall, let's make sure we remember our students matter the most and it is our job to help them actually fix their problem rather than masking it. It might take a few extra minutes reading with a child, or a lunch date together to talk about life. Maybe it will take a few minutes talking on the playground or five extra minutes during small group to review those facts. Whatever it what your kids need to truly correct their vision!!!! 👀

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Roots Anchored In!!!

have to start by saying this blog idea came from my cousin Joshua! 

I spent last week on family vacation in South Dakota and Minnesota! We went hiking (Don't act too shocked I went was just casual hiking...we had children with us). On our hike we saw the Redwood Falls! 

Around the falls there are lots of trees which makes awesome landscaping. As we were walking down steep trails we noticed the "nature made steps." The roots to all of the trees did a good job of keeping the dirt stuck in place. We were able to safely walk around without fear of the dirt washing out from underneath our feet. 

After talking about how cool it was, Josh made a point that it really makes a difference when your roots were really grounded. What an awesome visual!! I immediately thought of the parable in Matthew 13.  Jesus talks about the farmer who throws his seeds into different types of soil and the soil impairs or supports the roots.  Without strong roots anchoring you in, the trials and tribulations of this world can knock you over! Even if it is just a slow knocking down like the wind and water. 

This idea took me in two directions...
1. Spiritually what are your roots grounded in? Are they strong enough to hold up the dirt and keep your spirit from eroding away? Spending time with fellow Christians and time in the Word will help your roots grow deep and strong! 
To go along with our spiritual roots, it is important we support one another if an area or root gets weak! 

2. As a teacher, especially an elementary teacher, we have the opportunity to provide the foundation for kids to begin growing their roots. If their roots begin growing in rocky soil they may struggle to grasp those deep foundational concepts. Think of the roots that are scattered among the weeds...those weeds can choke out the desire to learn. 

What can we do as teachers to help students grow strong roots within curriculum and the love of learning? How do you encourage and strengthen those roots? 

As you continue to rejuvenate this summer and think about the fall, think about how you will strengthen your roots spiritually so you can truly love your students and help them grow strong roots!! 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Communities...Always Evolving

grew up in the small town of Guymon, Oklahoma! It was a great little community where everyone knew you. You played sports, went to church, went to school, and worked along side one another. I moved from that community to the private college community of Southern Nazarene University.  In both cases, my communities were dictated by geographical boundaries.  I loved both communities and both provided my foundational values and beliefs.  Once I left those communities, I was in search for another community to belong to.  Although life has changed, I've found myself a part of a variety of communities.

But really, what is a community? A group of people bound together through physical boundaries? People connected through support groups for similar situations? People with similar backgrounds?  One argument for communities discussed by Renninger and Shumar (2002) says a community is something "with a shared set of physical resources and needs; mutual interdependence; and complex social organization including kinship, political, economic, and administrative layers."  A community is a group of people who come together and work together to support or learn from one another.  

The definition above allows for multiple types of communities.  In fact, there can be physical communities that join together face-to-face as well as communities in a virtual world.  In today's fast paced society, many times we don't make time to connect within our communities defined by geographical locations; instead our communities come from our work areas, church, or within our children's activities.  If we still do not find what we are looking for in a community we have the option of turning to the Internet in search of a virtual community.  

As I read this week, one of the things that stuck with me was the idea of communities being for a stage in life rather than life-long. How true is that? Those stages may be during soccer season or during the school year.  Maybe the communitiy is other grad students who understand what it is like to be going back to school.  But sooner or later, your community will change.  Yes, I said change...and believe me, I hate change.  I struggle when my community shifts no matter the reason. 

Since change within communities is inevitable and because we are shaped by our communities, the question I pose is this: what are you doing today, to impact the community you are a part of? Are you  leaving something to be remembered by?  Are you loving those within your community and learning from them while you have the chance whether it be in a physical community or on a virtual community?   Are you sharing your wisdom with those around you?  Whether you join a physical or virtual community, you can make a difference!  So be intentional about how you interact within your community!