Sunday, July 12, 2015

Roots Anchored In!!!

have to start by saying this blog idea came from my cousin Joshua! 

I spent last week on family vacation in South Dakota and Minnesota! We went hiking (Don't act too shocked I went was just casual hiking...we had children with us). On our hike we saw the Redwood Falls! 

Around the falls there are lots of trees which makes awesome landscaping. As we were walking down steep trails we noticed the "nature made steps." The roots to all of the trees did a good job of keeping the dirt stuck in place. We were able to safely walk around without fear of the dirt washing out from underneath our feet. 

After talking about how cool it was, Josh made a point that it really makes a difference when your roots were really grounded. What an awesome visual!! I immediately thought of the parable in Matthew 13.  Jesus talks about the farmer who throws his seeds into different types of soil and the soil impairs or supports the roots.  Without strong roots anchoring you in, the trials and tribulations of this world can knock you over! Even if it is just a slow knocking down like the wind and water. 

This idea took me in two directions...
1. Spiritually what are your roots grounded in? Are they strong enough to hold up the dirt and keep your spirit from eroding away? Spending time with fellow Christians and time in the Word will help your roots grow deep and strong! 
To go along with our spiritual roots, it is important we support one another if an area or root gets weak! 

2. As a teacher, especially an elementary teacher, we have the opportunity to provide the foundation for kids to begin growing their roots. If their roots begin growing in rocky soil they may struggle to grasp those deep foundational concepts. Think of the roots that are scattered among the weeds...those weeds can choke out the desire to learn. 

What can we do as teachers to help students grow strong roots within curriculum and the love of learning? How do you encourage and strengthen those roots? 

As you continue to rejuvenate this summer and think about the fall, think about how you will strengthen your roots spiritually so you can truly love your students and help them grow strong roots!! 

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