Friday, October 23, 2015


I was driving home this evening and looked up at the sky!  I was amazed at the sight....beautiful pinkish orange clouds drifting in front of the moon. Skies like this catch my attention and usually teach me a lesson. Tonight's picturesque sky, brought a conversation I had with a very dear friend to mind. 

The moon looked so tiny, so insignificant; even more tiny and insignificant in the picture. Even though I could barely see the moon because of the awesome clouds, the moon is what caught my attention. In all of its splendor it was tucked away. The awesomeness was masked by the overwhelming beauty of the clouds! 

Let's jump to my conversation with my friend...
She shared how all of the school requirements make her feel bogged down. The awesomeness of her genuine, positive, fun loving personality is masked by something much bigger. She went on to say she goes to faculty meetings only to hear what others are doing right. This leaves her feeling defeated.  The glory and splendor of others' success masks what she feels to be insignificant success. I know she's not alone. Many teachers are left in this slump feeling hidden behind "something" beautiful! 

Great things can appear small and insignificant because things around them feel so much better! The moon was almost hidden by a gorgeous sky! What are we as teachers being masked by? Is it hearing about the successes of others? Is it the daunting task of fitting in small groups and RTI groups? If you feel defeated and hidden, you are not alone. There are many teachers feeling this way, along with students in your classrooms. Maybe we need to ask ourselves if some of our struggling students/coworkers are hiding behind the tremendous growth or ability of peers! Allow others to see the moon in you and point it out. See the moon in your students and cherish their beauty; even in the midst of something else spectacular.  Don't let your success and glory be stripped away because you feel like something else is better. 

To my dear friend...know you are radiant! Know your hard work will pay off. Continue to seek wisdom and continue to be the is just as significant. 

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