Stunning pictures, aren't they?
Sitting in the silence, I could hear the gentle clink clink of each ice pellet as it rained from the sky. Then looking out the picture window I was mesmerized by the sight of trees drenched in glassy perfection. The ice glistened and sparkled as though diamonds had been delicately affixed to each branch, leaf, or berry. I was lured into the blistering cold to capture the beauty of each intricate crystal.
The beauty I had seen in the ice covered landscape only lasted a couple of hours. Soon, I could see the devastation this once tempting scene was causing. Trees once strong and mighty were crumbling to the ground. Nothing could stop the gut wrenching scene unfold before our eyes. People lost power left and right. When the trees snapped and fell they crushed everything in their path, vehicles and roofs. No longer were the intricate crystals appealing but seen as a vicious destroyer we were all stuck with.
As I watched the effects of "Elsa's storm," I began to see a connection to our spiritual life; one that I couldn't just let go but needed to share!
Many times I see myself attracted towards something. That something appears to be glorious and captivates my attention only to lead down a destructive path damaging everything in its way. In fact, these sinful things lure us to endure the "cold" just to enjoy the pleasures for a short period of time. We can become fixated on the beauty of the sin and not realize the destructive nature it will cause down the road. Unlike the ice storms of 2015, the destruction may not come immediately. We might get to bask in the "glory of diamond covered trees" for more than just a couple of hours before sin begins to take its toll on our life. But the destruction will come, whether on earth or eternity. What earthly pleasures are you participating in that looked pleasing at the time but may have deceived you or are still deceiving you?
After the ice melted or will melt from this second storm, cleanup will begin. Branches will be cut up and carried away. Trees may look a tad silly but come spring most will regain strength and bud again. They are given another chance at life, just like you and me each time we find ourself down a destructive path. Repeatedly, God will come in and clean up the mess we've made of our lives and the branches we've let come crashing down. Not only does God cleanup the branches in our life, He can restore the damage you cause in someone else's life as your tree crumbles.
There is good news! If you are the tree being destroyed by what you thought was something pleasing, God sent his Son to earth as a baby so he may grow up and die for our sins. His life and death are your way out of the pit of dispair. If you are the one being trampled by someone else's branches crumbling down, remember God offers you grace and mercy; we are called to do the same. The only way to stand up against the appealing pleasures of this world is to arm yourself with the full armor of God as you venture into this mighty crazy world! Don't be caught up in a beautiful yet destructive ice storm!
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