Sunday, December 27, 2015

Appealing and intriguing ... Yet deceiving and devastating

Stunning pictures, aren't they? 

Sitting in the silence, I could hear the gentle clink clink of each ice pellet as it rained from the sky. Then looking out the picture window I was mesmerized by the sight of trees drenched in glassy perfection. The ice glistened and sparkled as though diamonds had been delicately affixed to each branch, leaf, or berry. I was lured into the blistering cold to capture the beauty of each intricate crystal. 

This beauty was tempting, appealing and lured me in. I was captivated by the stunning beauty before me. Not once, not twice, but 3 times I found myself shivering in the cold to capture the sight. 

The beauty I had seen in the ice covered landscape only lasted a couple of hours. Soon, I could see the devastation this once tempting scene was causing. Trees  once strong and mighty were crumbling to the ground. Nothing could stop the gut wrenching scene unfold before our eyes. People lost power left and right. When the trees snapped and fell they crushed everything in their path, vehicles and roofs. No longer were the intricate crystals appealing but seen as a vicious destroyer we were all stuck with. 
(Photo credit: Amanda Oneth) 

As I watched the effects of "Elsa's storm," I began to see a connection to our spiritual life; one that I couldn't just let go but needed to share! 
Many times I see myself attracted towards something. That something appears to be glorious and captivates my attention only to lead down a destructive path damaging everything in its way.  In fact, these sinful things lure us to endure the "cold" just to enjoy the pleasures for a short period of time. We can become fixated on the beauty of the sin and not realize the destructive nature it will cause down the road. Unlike the ice storms of 2015, the destruction may not come immediately. We might get to bask in the "glory of diamond covered trees" for more than just a couple of hours before sin begins to take its toll on our life. But the destruction will come, whether on earth or eternity. What earthly pleasures are you participating in that looked pleasing at the time but may have deceived you or are still deceiving you? 

After the ice melted or will melt from this second storm, cleanup will begin. Branches will be cut up and carried away. Trees may look a tad silly but come spring most will regain strength and bud again. They are given another chance at life, just like you and me each time we find ourself down a destructive path. Repeatedly, God will come in and clean up the mess we've made of our lives and the branches we've let come crashing down. Not only does God cleanup the branches in our life, He can restore the damage you cause in someone else's life as your tree crumbles. 

There is good news! If you are the tree being destroyed by what you thought was something pleasing, God sent his Son to earth as a baby so he may grow up and die for our sins.  His life and death are your way out of the pit of dispair. If you are the one being trampled by someone else's branches crumbling down, remember God offers you grace and mercy; we are called to do the same. The only way to stand up against the appealing pleasures of this world is to arm yourself with the full armor of God as you venture into this mighty crazy world! Don't be caught up in a beautiful yet destructive ice storm! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Going Through the Motions...Empty

Yesterday did not go as all! I got up to go walk in the Putnam City Cancer Classic! 
Then was going to head for brunch and have some waffles. After that I was going to stop by Lego League and see my kids compete! But instead of doing any of that...I woke up feeling rather yuck! I was a little nauseated, but mostly I felt as though I could pass out. I've been known to do that.  The idea of going to a race and passing out seemed like it would earn me a little bit more attention than I found necessary today! So back to bed I went. 
Which, was good because I soon realized I had caught the stomach bug and spent the day in bed!! As with most things...I found a life lesson.  I began to think about being empty but going through the motions.  How many times do I go through the motions in my spiritual walk but feel empty? How many days do I get up and teach but feel empty? 

So many times we haven't been spiritually fed enough to compensate for how much we've poured out. In this case we are empty and going through the motions...I can say, that if I would have stopped going through the motions, I would have continued to feel sick. Just like in my spiritual walk, if I completely stopped spending time with Him and other believers I would feel even worse.  This idea of going through the motions on empty led me to think about how necessary it is to continually feed our souls. I had to sip on water and eat ice.  Later in the night, I became so thirsty I couldn't get enough water. At some point in our spiritual journey, we will become so thirsty we will continually consume him! 

Besides thinking about this in my spiritual walk, I thought about it as a teacher. Sometimes the demands of our job drain us and leave us on empty. We become emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. We can't stop going through the motions just because we are depleted. In fact, continuing to go through the motions might lead us to a child who will fill us up again. If we stopped doing our job, we would feel terrible for other reasons. Instead...we have to push through and continually go through the motions. 

Now, it's also important to take time to rest and recoup. I had to make myself consume liquids. We cannot give when we have nothing left in us. This goes for both our spiritual life and our teaching world. What are you doing to feed yourself and give yourself energy to continue on? Taking time to pray before work? Spending a little extra time reading your Bible? Taking your plan time to make sure you get things done? Relaxing and visiting with a friend over ice cream? Do something to fill yourself up so you don't have to go through the motions empty! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Unveiled...Masked Part 2

The moon was hidden...its glory was masked by the gorgeous clouds. Since that blog, I've had conversations with multiple people about how they feel the same way!  What a shame! 

Well it was only two or three nights later when I was heading home and the full moon was shining brightly!!! In all its glory it was there. Besides making my students crazy...the MOON, that once was masked was now unveiled! 

You should know...if you feel defeated or masked, your time to shine is coming!!! Keep busting your butts and keep smiling. It will get better! 

Friday, October 23, 2015


I was driving home this evening and looked up at the sky!  I was amazed at the sight....beautiful pinkish orange clouds drifting in front of the moon. Skies like this catch my attention and usually teach me a lesson. Tonight's picturesque sky, brought a conversation I had with a very dear friend to mind. 

The moon looked so tiny, so insignificant; even more tiny and insignificant in the picture. Even though I could barely see the moon because of the awesome clouds, the moon is what caught my attention. In all of its splendor it was tucked away. The awesomeness was masked by the overwhelming beauty of the clouds! 

Let's jump to my conversation with my friend...
She shared how all of the school requirements make her feel bogged down. The awesomeness of her genuine, positive, fun loving personality is masked by something much bigger. She went on to say she goes to faculty meetings only to hear what others are doing right. This leaves her feeling defeated.  The glory and splendor of others' success masks what she feels to be insignificant success. I know she's not alone. Many teachers are left in this slump feeling hidden behind "something" beautiful! 

Great things can appear small and insignificant because things around them feel so much better! The moon was almost hidden by a gorgeous sky! What are we as teachers being masked by? Is it hearing about the successes of others? Is it the daunting task of fitting in small groups and RTI groups? If you feel defeated and hidden, you are not alone. There are many teachers feeling this way, along with students in your classrooms. Maybe we need to ask ourselves if some of our struggling students/coworkers are hiding behind the tremendous growth or ability of peers! Allow others to see the moon in you and point it out. See the moon in your students and cherish their beauty; even in the midst of something else spectacular.  Don't let your success and glory be stripped away because you feel like something else is better. 

To my dear friend...know you are radiant! Know your hard work will pay off. Continue to seek wisdom and continue to be the is just as significant. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lego Lesson

Saturday I had the privilege of playing with my nephews.  Two of them have become enthralled with Legos.  As I was getting ready to leave, they asked me to help them build a house!  (I can't resist their requests most of the look and I'm sucked right in!)  I sat down and began building a house.  I'm sure most of you are aware of how to build a lego house (I mean it is the same with bricks or stone on a real house!) but today, I was mesmerized by how sturdy the house became; each row of Legos/bricks overlapping the seam of the row below it.

  If we just stacked blocks without overlapping, each separate tower would easily crumble, but when we are overlapped, the Legos become a force not easily broken.  As I thought of this, my mind was flooded with applications and lessons. (Too bad the flood didn't wash away some of my over analytical dramatic thoughts...) 

The first thing I thought of was a song by Casting Crown, Broken Together. Lately, this song has been in my top 5 and played multiple times each day!  (I know it was intended for a couple/marriage...but in my singleness, I find it applicable to all relationships.)

The lego pieces don't change when you put them together.  Neither do relationships.  We don't become complete just because we are united. In fact, just as the song says, maybe we are meant to be broken together. As I've been thinking about the Legos and the song I have been evaluating relationships. I'm broken...I've got faults! (Yes, I am aware of many of them...) I bring my brokenness and join with others. Connected with others I am able to continually strive to be better. 

Summer has come to an end and each of us has experienced very different things this summer; some exciting times (new babies, weddings, fun adventures), some of us have experienced heartbreak or unfortunate events.  No matter what we've dealt with, it is time we come together to touch the lives of our students (and one another). We must allow others to lean on us while we also lean on others (Overlap those takes more than one person.)  We must be aware of our mistakes as we become aware of others.  We must forgive even when it's tough (a wise friend said those very words to me tonight!)  Not one of us can stand on our own so after we rely and intertwine our lives with God, let's support and encourage each other! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Something I once loved...

Back a few years ago, I began blogging as a requirement for receiving a grant.  I was to blog about what I was doing in my classroom and how we were using the iPads I received.  Over the years, I came to really enjoy blogging.  I refocused my blog to be about spiritual lessons I learned that could be applied to the classroom.  Every now and then, I post a blog about a cool project we did in my class.  For the past 5 weeks, I have been in a master's class that required me to blog each week.  At first, I thought the blog had to be over what I learned (apparently, I didn't read the project guidelines carefully enough-oops).  I soon learned I could blog about whatever I wanted.  I chose to continue using my regular blog and blog like I normally do.

I know I posted something about this on my Facebook with the first blog I posted for class, but since I'm required to do a "Blogging Reflection" I thought I'd share my thoughts in a full out blog post!

Even though I got to blog about whatever I wanted, blogging because I had to, changed my motivation and robbed me of the joy blogging once had.  As I thought about this and struggled with the blogging for the past few weeks, I thought about conversations I had with high school students about using technology in the classroom.  These students shared they did not like using the technology for school work.  These students loved using technology to connect with their friends.  They Snapchat, Tweet, Instagram and now Periscope!  (Yes...I used all of those as verbs)  But some students detest when teachers use the technology for projects.  What I gathered from the students I talked with was they want to keep their "fun & personal" life away from school.  I never understood until this summer.  I want to keep my personal blogging away from my school life!  I enjoy blogging with no strings attached (and most definitely not a grade attached).

As I ponder this, I am at a loss for connecting learning to students and applying personal loves to the classroom.  I want learning to be meaningful but never, do I want to rob them of the joy they find in an activity.  One thought I had was, students in elementary school find more joy in using personal activities in the classroom (such as Minecraft).  Maybe when the activity benefits their personal gains, it isn't as much of a downer.  It could just be high school students and older.  I write this post, looking for thoughts from other educators.  I have no answers.  I am about to take Minecraft (something my students love) and use it for educational purposes.  Is this a good idea?  Do you experience kids engaging more with personal activities or withdrawing?  How can we use their likes and interests to engage rather than detour?  HELP!?!?

Just so you know...I will continue blogging after this class is over.  I might take a few week break, but that is not new!!  I have not been detoured from blogging completely!  I enjoy sharing my thoughts with anyone who will listen (whether the audience is 20 readers or 210 readers).

Friday, July 31, 2015

No Place I'd Rather Be...

I had the privilege of attending teen camp as a sponsor this past week! Honestly, the thought of crazy sports, late nights, and hormonal teenagers was not super appealing after being gone for what seemed liked several weeks already and getting my list of homework for the week. Although it wasn't totally appealing, a small part of me was excited. There is something about church camp that brings back many good memories and I enjoy being present for teens. Because of this (oh...the plan of helping with my nephews always helps as well!) I packed my bag and prepared for a good week.

Monday morning, we loaded up (I was deemed as one of the responsible drivers!) and headed to Camp Bond. The week was filled with all that I expected and so much more!!! 
We did play crazy sports! Dodgeball, archery tag (yes, we used real bows), and glow in the dark 9-square. 

Along with the crazy sports, we made movies and had an awesome "Naz-a-groove Dance party!"

Besides all the crazy fun we had, we participated in awesome worship experiences. The band lead us in praises and prayers each night. Jason brought a message of hope and students responded. After service we had the opportunity to share what was on our heart! Whoa...did God create a stirring in people's hearts! 

Last night during the response time, after I had prayed with one of our teens, we sang a song called "Set A Fire."  The song is simple and has only two stanzas. We began singing:

There's no place I'd rather be
Than here in Your Love!
Here in Your Love! 

As I was singing those words I truly meant them. There was no other place I'd rather be. God was moving and his presence was real! I was honored to get to know our students better and pray with them. I loved hearing their vulnerability as they shared struggles! I loved sharing my experiences and how I overcame, as well as my continual struggles. The more I thought about the lyrics the more I was thankful I had given up a week of my time...and full access to my phone. 

Through my processing of those words, I was taken to my classroom...these words although intended for God, also struck me as very real at school.  Kids come to school half-heartedly, unsure about each day, filled with exhaustion! Even in the midst of those feelings...I want my kids to say, "There's no place I'd rather be!" But for my kids to say this, it is my responsibility to create an atmosphere in which my students feel loved and successful. I also need to create a place where learning is fun and engaging.  Through careful planning and evaluation of my learners, I can engage them in activities that lead to learning. On top of exciting learning, I have to create an atmosphere where students feel safe and are loved. Even the tough kids I have to love! This year, I'm going to work to create a place that kids say, "there's no place I'd rather be!" At least for the hour they are with me!! Will you do the same?!? Start the year off with the goal of creating that kind of environment!! Keep that phrase in your mind as you write lesson plans, interact with students, and build relationships!! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

I Can See Clearly Now...

Ever since I was in 5th grade I have worn glasses or contacts to correct my vision. It was the way life worked and thankfully I had a correction for my problem. Over the past few years my eyes decided they hated contacts and wanted nothing to do with them. This meant I had to revert back to glasses and no sunglasses. Over the last few months I pondered and soon decided LASIK eye surgery might be the best way to go. After looking at different options, I went in for a consultation and decided to schedule the surgery. Last Friday I had LASIK and Saturday morning I could see 20/20! (According to the Dr.!)
I spent 24 hours in the awesome glasses pictured above!! 

 I was amazed and still am at the fact I don't wake up and have to look for my glasses. I can read signs faraway and books up close. In 8 seconds, the vision in both my eyes was corrected.Honesty  moment...I say things were great right away and they were, but things haven't been perfect. My eyes get tired easily or dry which causes my vision to get a little clouded. Even with the hiccups, my vision has been corrected. 

Over the next few days I spent quite a bit of time thinking about this...and it led me to a blog post! 
I had a problem (bad eyesight). I thought I had the ultimate solution (glasses). I realized I wasn't truly fixing the problem, I was controlling the problem. Yes, my glasses worked well and I was very thankful for them, but they were not a true fix. LASIK was a true fix. It got down to the heart (okay, the cornea) of the problem and reshaped it. 

I decided to apply this idea first to my spiritual life. How many times do I have a problem that I "fix" with glasses when I really need to get to the "cornea" of the problem and rely on God? Many times it is easy to find a solution that is more like the glasses because fixes like LASIK or coming to God can be scary. (Believe me...I had the fear of going blind!!) Sometimes our problem is a void or an emptiness we have.  We tend to use "glasses or contacts," such as earthly relationships, drugs, alcohol, ice cream, sex, food, or work to fill the voids. Although those things appear to correct the problem, the void still exists "when we take our glasses off". It isn't until we come to God that the void is truly fulfilled. Once we come to God, we might still have times when the blurriness comes back or the problem resurfaces when we get tired, but deep down, the problem has been corrected. Do you have a constant problem that you think you've found a solution for? Have you found a solution or a true fix? Ask God what he thinks! Know He is a true fix!!

I just love making applications for my two favorite faith and my job!! 

So here goes the school application...
As teachers, many of our students come in with problems. Those problems could be emotional, social, or academics. It is our job as teachers to identify and correct those problems. Many times in the hustle and bustle of school we want a  quick fix like "putting glasses on," when we really need the "precision of a laser" to truly fix it. For our students, going home at night can be the same as me taking off my glasses at night! The problem still exists. As we prepare for this fall, let's make sure we remember our students matter the most and it is our job to help them actually fix their problem rather than masking it. It might take a few extra minutes reading with a child, or a lunch date together to talk about life. Maybe it will take a few minutes talking on the playground or five extra minutes during small group to review those facts. Whatever it what your kids need to truly correct their vision!!!! 👀

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Roots Anchored In!!!

have to start by saying this blog idea came from my cousin Joshua! 

I spent last week on family vacation in South Dakota and Minnesota! We went hiking (Don't act too shocked I went was just casual hiking...we had children with us). On our hike we saw the Redwood Falls! 

Around the falls there are lots of trees which makes awesome landscaping. As we were walking down steep trails we noticed the "nature made steps." The roots to all of the trees did a good job of keeping the dirt stuck in place. We were able to safely walk around without fear of the dirt washing out from underneath our feet. 

After talking about how cool it was, Josh made a point that it really makes a difference when your roots were really grounded. What an awesome visual!! I immediately thought of the parable in Matthew 13.  Jesus talks about the farmer who throws his seeds into different types of soil and the soil impairs or supports the roots.  Without strong roots anchoring you in, the trials and tribulations of this world can knock you over! Even if it is just a slow knocking down like the wind and water. 

This idea took me in two directions...
1. Spiritually what are your roots grounded in? Are they strong enough to hold up the dirt and keep your spirit from eroding away? Spending time with fellow Christians and time in the Word will help your roots grow deep and strong! 
To go along with our spiritual roots, it is important we support one another if an area or root gets weak! 

2. As a teacher, especially an elementary teacher, we have the opportunity to provide the foundation for kids to begin growing their roots. If their roots begin growing in rocky soil they may struggle to grasp those deep foundational concepts. Think of the roots that are scattered among the weeds...those weeds can choke out the desire to learn. 

What can we do as teachers to help students grow strong roots within curriculum and the love of learning? How do you encourage and strengthen those roots? 

As you continue to rejuvenate this summer and think about the fall, think about how you will strengthen your roots spiritually so you can truly love your students and help them grow strong roots!! 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Communities...Always Evolving

grew up in the small town of Guymon, Oklahoma! It was a great little community where everyone knew you. You played sports, went to church, went to school, and worked along side one another. I moved from that community to the private college community of Southern Nazarene University.  In both cases, my communities were dictated by geographical boundaries.  I loved both communities and both provided my foundational values and beliefs.  Once I left those communities, I was in search for another community to belong to.  Although life has changed, I've found myself a part of a variety of communities.

But really, what is a community? A group of people bound together through physical boundaries? People connected through support groups for similar situations? People with similar backgrounds?  One argument for communities discussed by Renninger and Shumar (2002) says a community is something "with a shared set of physical resources and needs; mutual interdependence; and complex social organization including kinship, political, economic, and administrative layers."  A community is a group of people who come together and work together to support or learn from one another.  

The definition above allows for multiple types of communities.  In fact, there can be physical communities that join together face-to-face as well as communities in a virtual world.  In today's fast paced society, many times we don't make time to connect within our communities defined by geographical locations; instead our communities come from our work areas, church, or within our children's activities.  If we still do not find what we are looking for in a community we have the option of turning to the Internet in search of a virtual community.  

As I read this week, one of the things that stuck with me was the idea of communities being for a stage in life rather than life-long. How true is that? Those stages may be during soccer season or during the school year.  Maybe the communitiy is other grad students who understand what it is like to be going back to school.  But sooner or later, your community will change.  Yes, I said change...and believe me, I hate change.  I struggle when my community shifts no matter the reason. 

Since change within communities is inevitable and because we are shaped by our communities, the question I pose is this: what are you doing today, to impact the community you are a part of? Are you  leaving something to be remembered by?  Are you loving those within your community and learning from them while you have the chance whether it be in a physical community or on a virtual community?   Are you sharing your wisdom with those around you?  Whether you join a physical or virtual community, you can make a difference!  So be intentional about how you interact within your community!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

In the Midst of a Storm

I was driving home from work this week towards a very dark sky. But before I headed into the storm, I saw the most vibrant double rainbow!! (I was stopped when I took the picture, don't worry!)

As I continued to drive, the sky got darker and darker (yes, I drove into a storm even though I don't like them!)  In front of me was a white bird flying around. It stood out!  The white looked so clean and crisp against the black storm. I was amazed at how visible the bird was. 

As I thought about the dark sky and the white bird I thought about school.  (You are shocked I know! I can't help that school is on my mind all the time!). The dark sky reminded me of all the stress and work left to do at the end of the year. The combination of crazy schedules and end of the year wrap up leaves stress levels high for all! The fear of the unknown during summer puts emotional stress on some of the students.  As the white bird flew around, I thought about Christ, in His perfect glory. I was reminded of how He overcame evil. I thought about the clean pure white bird as Christ standing out against the darkness of the storm. 

As I pondered all these thoughts I decided that in the midst of storms, whether at school, in the lives of coworkers or students, and in my friends' lives the thing that stands out and looks different is Christ.  Although the bird was so small, I could clearly see it.  We need to be the bright white bird that stands out. We are flawed and need Christ to help us be the white.  We will stand out alone but think how much we'd stand out if we joined together. Allow Christ to use you to stand out in the storm and join with fellow Christians. Remember almost everyone is going through some kind of storm whether you know about it or not!! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Childhood Game Grown-up Style

I remember sitting in a circle and one person starting a "secret" around the circle. From each person to the next, the phrase might change. In fact, there were times when people changed the secret intentionally and other times it just happened in translation.  Oh how we laughed when we found out what the phrase became. I mean really, wasn't the game better when it ended so far fetched from the beginning?!? 

As adults, we play this game daily! I find myself wrapped up in it sometimes. See the problem is, it's not as funny now, whether it's accurate or far fetched!  This week, my heart has been broken and convicted of how I struggle with breaking others down rather than building them up, especially after I wrote yesterday's blog and really began thinking about encouraging others. 

For teachers, this time of year is filled with unknown placements for next year...especially when your boss emails and asks everyone for their top three choices for next year!!  Talk about putting the building in a tizzy and starting the biggest game of telephone!! Everyone wants to be in the know, everyone wants to see the future and have it planned out! After a few unfortunate events this week, I became aware of my personal weakness and temptation. I feel as though it is necessary to share that sometimes, I fail at encouraging all my coworkers and building them up! I wrote yesterday's blog, then spent night and today realizing I have not been the encourager I talked about in yesterday's blog.  I was convicted and God brought to my attention a couple of verses: "A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends. (Proverbs 16:28 NIV)" and "Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. (Proverbs 26:20 NIV)" How true are both of these verses? If I am going to publically speak about doing something, I also need to live it out. If I am to be an ambassador of Christ in my building, it is vital that I control my tongue. 

A part of encouraging one another is to find positive uplifting things! Let's join together as a community of teachers, and as the Family of God to encourage and build one another up. A friend shared this with me this morning, "but we all just need to shut it up the minute it starts! And hopefully they will see it won't work!"  How truthful, when we add to it or listen we only fuel the fire. I'm sorry to anyone I've contributed to rather than stopping. If we are to persevere and make it through the last few weeks, we really do need one another! I'm going to work on it, will join with me? 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Challenge Failed

Before Christmas, one of my coworkers asked me to incorporate Botball Robotics into my Tech Club curriculum.  Since I had been tinkering with hour of code, I thought my Tech Club would enjoy this! BOY - was I in for a shock when I began to realize the type of coding I was going to be working with.  For you computer programmers, it is C programming using KISS software!  For those of you who know nothing about computer programming...welcome to my world!!

I spent quite a few hours trying to learn enough so I could teach it. After several hours going through online tutorials and PowerPoints, I wrote my first code.  I tried to compile the program, (transferring it from the computer to the robot) but was unsuccessful repeatedly!  WHAT was I doing wrong?!?! I worked with my coworker, my cousins, and anyone else who would attempt (even if they just looked to appease me) to help me figure out what was wrong, but couldn't get the robot to move!  As my momentum dwindled, the students' excitement and enthusiasm was ramping up with unplugged activities!  Angela and I sat down to troubleshoot once more. We found I had simply started in the wrong level of the program and with a quick switch, the new program made the robot move!   I cannot explain to you the sense of satisfaction I felt the day it worked!!!

If I got that excited about making the robot move, I knew the kids would be ecstatic when they did. Within 30 minutes of starting on the computer, some of my kids successfully made the robot move! (Of course they learn faster than we do!)
As the students progressed through the different challenges, I could tell who really was enthusiastic about coding.  We worked one day a week and the kids could roughly work out a challenge in about 45 minutes.  After a rough draft of numbers, the students then had to use math and figure precise changes to complete the challenges.  The precision of completing the tasks and the upper tasks became increasingly difficult for the students, but they kept working.  The perseverance among my students amazed me even when the challenges became difficult.  

One group of boys could not figure out the line/light censoring challenge.  Neither myself nor the other coach could help them.  After calling in the Botball expert, the students completed the task.  They were so eager to learn and try more.  Achievement after trials was turning out to be inspiring for both the students and myself!! 

The competition was set up for students to practice until they were ready to complete the challenge for a judge.  I took twelve kids, two teams, and two groups of 3 within each team, to compete.  Early Saturday morning we arrived in Norman and began a long day of just playing with the robot.  One of my teams completed two challenges first thing and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out the rest.  The other team struggled to get any one challenge precise enough to compete.  I could see the frustration and boredom in some of their eyes...we were failing and they were getting discouraged.  Some were even ready to quit.  After lunch, I brought the six girls (1 team, 2 groups) together and went to an open area where we could really focus.  With the support/encouragement of parents and Ms. Rudd, the girls successfully worked their way to complete Challenge 1, soon followed by challenge 2!  It was successful.  Accomplishing these two challenges were exhilarating and gave the girls a new energy!

This got me thinking.  As teachers, so many times we feel defeated or discouraged.  In fact, so many times I see, hear, and feel the feelings of failure among teachers.  These feelings come from having to call the office too many times, low test scores, getting frustrated when we should have kept our cool, being short with our students, students continually misbehaving and not following directions, missing paperwork deadlines, extra paperwork piling up, etc.  None of us like these feelings or want them, but they come anyway.  The awesome lesson I've learned through this, is that the moments of success will be even grander and worth celebrating because of the challenges we face.  Our job is full of challenges and roadblocks, but let's be like these kids and persevere.  If it calls for us to join together and work as a close team then work as a team, if it calls for us to encourage one another then encourage one another, if it calls for us to recruit help from parents then call on volunteers.  We can push forward and make it through the next few exhausting weeks!!!  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Empty Pot

A dear friend of mine shared the Children’s book called The Empty Pot by Demi, and presented an illustration that is important for all teachers to hear.  As the story goes the little boy who loves to garden is given a seed to plant and grow just like all the other children in the kingdom.  Ping dedicated his life to making the seed grow and tenderly cared for it day after day without seeing any results.  At times and in the end, he was discouraged and disheartened.  He knew he was a good gardener but he could not get the plant to grow.  After a year of the plant still not growing, Ping began to question his gardening skills and himself.  Ping presents his empty pot to the Emperor only to be rewarded with being Emperor himself.

Each day we are given seeds that we are to plant, nurture, and watch grow.  The problem is they do not grow or grow enough to meet the standards that are evaluating us as teachers.  Teachers walk through the halls of schools feeling defeated and disheartened, lacking the esteem needed to persevere.  The power behind this story is that you may not see the benefits or the rewards immediately or at all.  Even a year may past, but in the end whether or not you see the benefits, a life was touched.  The beauty of a child’s story is that they are NOT a “baked seed” and have the potential to grow and flourish.  It is vital to the success of students and schools that teachers take time to love and nurture students.  Maybe they need to be “planted in a new pot” meaning they are moved to a new seat or a different small group.  Maybe it means they need to be “watered” a little bit more with love from teachers.  Just because you do not see the growth in two or ten children, does not make you a bad teacher in the same way Ping was not a bad gardener.  My message is a simple one: when you invest in nurturing each seed with the utmost care, whether you see it or not, you will make a difference and be reward.  Defeated teachers: you will be rewarded for your efforts of care and nurture!  You ARE making a difference!  You ARE doing a good job!  Be the gardener you love being and keep fighting for EVERY ONE of your students!  

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Taken back in time...

Wednesday night my brother spoke on the story of Jonah, using his modern day story telling techniques.  Last night, I was talking to a friend about traveling overseas for an extended period of time.  Both of these things took me back in time 8 years ago when I made a very difficult decision to participate in Youth in Mission (YIM).  Not only was it the most difficult thing, it was also the best thing I ever did!!  Even though my trip was a long time ago, bare with me as a reminisce!

You see...I'm a tad bit of a homebody and someone who doesn't really like change, (probably the reason why I still live with my mom and dad!) but I really felt a calling to go on a mission trip.  It was October and I was sitting in chapel at SNU.  People were sharing stories about their YIM experiences when the stirring began and quickly grew.  I tried extremely hard to push it aside and ignore it.  Me? Never!  I can't be away from home that long!!  
Over the next several months, I spent many hours contemplating going, opening up the application, convincing myself it wasn't what God wanted, looking for signs, ignoring blatant signs I requested, talking myself into going, and finally letting the deadline pass! You read correctly, I ignored God's calling and desire to go because I couldn't stand the thought of being away from my family, or missing a dear friend's wedding! 

After missing the deadline and feeling sick about it, I happened to read the story of Jonah.  
Jonah is called to go to Nineveh but instead goes the other direction.  When he's on the boat, a storm comes along and the people on the boat end up throwing him overboard.  He is swallowed by a whale and after being spit on the beach, goes to Nineveh.  He's given a second chance to do what he was called to do originally.  
It was at that moment I knew I had to sign up.  God gave Jonah a second chance, maybe He would give me one.  I emailed YIM and told them the long drawn out version of being called but ignoring until I no longer could. Quickly they responded and told me to fill out the application.  The application was submitted and a placement letter was received in return.  Scotland here I come.  (Really...there I went)

Although the journey leading me to sign up is a good majority of the story, it is by no means the end! One small part of our trip was to plan and carry out a Vacation Bible School at the local church.  How exciting is that?  I wanted to be a teacher and loved organizing events.  It was going to be perfect!  To prepare for the Bible School, we canvased the Town Square and passed out flyers.  Talking to strangers is my mom's strength, not mine!  I definitely was out of my comfort zone as we unsuccessfully tried to convince people to come to VBS.  Crazy Americans with balloons and flyers do not attract masses of Scots!  Who knew we were planning an entire event for less than 15 kids.  Not my idea of a successful VBS.  After the first night, I wanted to be done.  It was rather disheartening to do all that work and have such a small turnout. 

As I spent tonight thinking about my trip to Scotland and my teaching today, I realized that much of my teaching is like this VBS experience.  I pour my heart and soul into what I'm doing only to be let down because only a few students respond, or the scores on the test still suck!  Failure begins to creep in and haunt me (other teachers too.)  In fact, I believe the feeling of failure in teachers is one of the biggest problems education faces.  The let down and lack of payoff quickly cause teachers to lose enthusiasm and spunk.  

We could just stop there...VBS only had a few kids, we were disappointed, so quit!  We tried something new in our class and the scores don't look much better, so we stop trying new things!

BUT - if we gave up there, we would have missed out on ministering to 10 kids.  If we continue to dwell in the lack of improvement, we miss out on celebrating the small successes and joys a few students may see.  Christ sees us everyday, and everyday he is let down by the traps of sin we fall prey to.  The people who miss out on opportunities to reach a lost soul disappoint him.  Talk about feeling defeat and failure...I know I alone fail him daily.  Each day, He gives us another chance, He tries a new approach.  He died for us even if just one accepts.  If He stopped there, we would have no eternal hope!  The wonderful thing is, He doesn't!  No matter how small the turnout is or how many times He teaches us the same thing only to have us fail again, He never becomes too disheartened.  He continues just as much as always!  We are called to be Christ-like, which means, we are called to persevere even when only one child responds to the lesson or the class still isn't getting it! We are called to come to school and begin a new day with a smile even when yesterday was awful! 

 It wasn't about having the biggest and best VBS.  It isn't about seeing growth and change right now all the time with all the's about being Christ-like and continuing the fight even without results!  Sometimes, we don't get the results we want or get to see the results.  

We finished the VBS strong with no more than 15 kids each night!  Throughout the week we connected with a family and ignited an interest in church.  We had success and made a difference!  
YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! - Don't be defeated - just keep fighting! You ARE making a difference!  You ARE saving lives! Keep fighting for your students.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

"I hate coming to computer lab!"

Slap in the face...okay, maybe not a real one, but definitely one that you feel as a teacher.  Let's be honest, MOST of us want our kids to enjoy coming to our class and want the kids to like us in some way or another.  This past week, a teacher brought her class to the computer lab and shared that her class was not excited to be there.  They said they hated coming.  Ouch!  As soon as she said it, I knew why.  The second graders did not enjoy learning to type.  Although we practiced typing for a few weeks, then did something different, the weeks of typing were becoming dull.  I could tell the kids were getting antsy and even the good students were complaining.  It was time for a change.  

The wheels began turning as I processed a lot of different things.  Are 2nd graders developmentally ready to type?  It is a district expectations that they spend 20 minutes a week typing.  How could that look differently?  How could I benefit the classroom teachers even more?  Could we quit typing? How will that change my whole K-5 progression?  Could I split the class time and do two different things?  

I can do things differently, we can split the class time, it will change the whole K-5 progression but this is a learning process!  
Since those were the answers to my questions, here is the new plan...(I started the next day with day one of my rotation)
The kids come into my classroom, clean their hands, and immediately get on the computer.  They begin typing and type until 10:00.  (This gives them 15-20 minutes of typing) We use Dance Mat Typing. 

At 10:00 we will work on STEM activities that tie to their second grade science report cards.  

We are starting with a study of how earth can change instantly-earthquakes, volcanoes-and how earth can change slowly-weathering, erosion.  We used an online thesaurus to look up synonyms for quickly and slowly because those were terms in the standard.  Then, we began talking about earthquakes, volcanoes, and erosion.  Next week, when they come in, we are going to use the search engine to look up structures that survive earthquakes.  The final portion of the earthquake study will include building earthquake structures and testing them on gelatin earths/fault lines.  Pictures to come!  To study erosion, we are going to look at cookie rocks and spray them with water before we do another search engine search.

If your kids don't like what you are doing, or are not enjoying the class, evaluate and ask yourself questions.  Don't be afraid to listen to your kids and change things up.  Don't wait until you are slapped in the face and the kids vocalize they "hate coming to your class."  See the signs in their eyes and actions!   Be willing to CHANGE things up! 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Beautiful Things...

This was my view driving to work the other day...

Beautiful isn't it? 

Then, when I was driving home, this was the view...

As I drove home, I started thinking (me thinking...crazy I know) how my day both started and ended with something so beautiful and unique. You see, the middle was not beautiful at all. It was filled with  irritation, heartbreak, pain, and frustration.  Being a specials teacher allows me to see many kids and hear many sad stories.  My thinking went to a variety of places but stuck on a song, Beautiful Things.  

All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

You see, God does make beautiful things.  REALLY beautiful things - just like the sunrise and sunset everyday.  The world is filled with pain, frustrations, imperfect people and everything else ugly!  Yet, God makes beautiful things out of dust or clouds and a massive ball of fire.  He also makes beautiful things out of us.  Think about all of our kids and all the baggage they bring to school with them.  Some of their lives are pretty disturbing and ugly.

What can we do as educators to help the students with ugly painful life experiences create beautiful master pieces out of their life?  This is a part of our calling as teachers and probably one of the most difficult tasks.  So many of the students (and people) that pass through our life struggle with the ugliness from their past or present experiences.  Because of their ugliness, we often catch the unbecoming attitudes and actions.  As we catch these attitudes and actions we find ourselves irritated or frustrated with those individuals. It becomes so difficult to love these individuals sometimes but these individuals need love just as much or more.  So let's help these friends make beautiful things! Let's love them! Let's inspire them! Let's encourage them! Let's listen to them! Let's make BEAUTIFUL THINGS OUT OF THE DUST!  - Click the link listen to the song.

All around
Hope is springing up from this old ground
Out of chaos life is being found in You

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

Because of God, we have hope.  Because of loving teachers, students have hope.  Because of schools, there is hope for the future!  

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. - Guest words of wisdom from the best little brother!